Tutorial on Real-time Computer Vision for Localisation and Mapping

7th December 2009

As part of IEEE Humanoids 2009

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France


Times: We will start at 14:00hrs and finish around 17:30





Andrew Davison (Imperial College), Andrew Calway (Univ of Bristol), Olivier Stasse (AIST/ISRI) and Walterio Mayol-Cuevas (Univ of Bristol)








For a highly dextrous and agile platform, such as a humanoid robot, a pre-requisite for efficient task or motion planning is to be able to know where it is relative to its surroundings. In recent years, there has been significant effort in developing real-time mapping and localisation using vision sensors only. The attractiveness of visual sensors is the number of world features that they can recover that range from 3D, motion, people perception and textures, as well as their small size, low cost and availability.


A humanoid requires fast algorithms able to provide pose within a few milliseconds and therefore the visual techniques required must be robust and consider real-time constraints.


This tutorial will present an introduction to the basics of visual mapping and localisation as well as recent and ongoing developments in these key areas: Efficient and robust visual feature description, fast memory efficient robot re-localisation using visual cues, work on reducing redundancy on the system through finding structures on the map and work on humanoid navigation and visual sensor planning.


Intended audience

Research students and academics interested in using vision as a main or primary sensor in real-time humanoid mapping and localisation.




14:00 Greetings and brief Introduction

14:05 Basics of Visual Localisation

15:00 Building and Managing Visual Maps

15:50 Break

16:00 Real-time and robust feature matching and description &

         Creating larger maps and discovering map structure

16:45 Navigation and visual sensor planning

17:30 Demos and final discussion


Place and time


Humanoids 2009 tutorials will happen at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France on the 7th of December 2009.

Details of the actual rooms will be updated when known but travel information to the conference venue is below.




You can register to the tutorial and or main conference via this page.


Travel Information


Please visit Humanoids 2009 travel page here.

A map of the location of UPMC and other HUMANOIDS2009 venues is here